Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Relatia cu Sufletul pereche! Vezi daca tu l-ai gasit.

Ce ne-am gandit noi, daca tot am organizat atat de multe evenimente private si in special Nunti, unde am tot vazut oameni fericiti si impliniti, sa povestim putin despre  Sufletul pereche! Ce inseamna si cum iti dai seama daca l-ai gasit. Desi gurile rele anunta cu tarie ca este pe cale de disparitie, noi contazicem orice voce negativa si credem cu tarie ca dragostea, da…nu o sa dispara niciodata, indiferent de cat de mult se schimba lumea din jur, indiferent de situatii si imprejurari, indiferent de puterea de acaparare a tehnologiei si cresterea pretului la carburant.J
Prin urmare, ofera-le oamenilor timp si o sa primesti timp (cel mai valoros element la ora actuala).
Toarna-ti niste ceai intr-o ceasca si citeste urmatoarele randuri, o sa vezi ce se intampla intre Sufletele pereche J  Poate iti dai seama daca relatia ta este ce trebuie.

  -Sunteți uniti, orice-ar fi!
Fiecare zi reprezinta o incercare pentru relatia voastra, insa niciodata nu lasati problemele sa va afecteze negativ si va sprijiniti mereu reciproc. Luptati cot la cot pentru zile mai bune si atunci cand incercarile par sa nu se sfarseasca nu alergati la parinti sau la prieteni pentru a cauta cu disperare ajutor, voi doi luptati impreuna.
  -Râdeti  împreuna.
Intotdeauna iti faci partenerul sa râda, daca ii ești predestinata pe viata, iar reciproca este valabila si in cazul lui. Simtul umorului aduce armonie si optimism in relatia voastra si alunga gandurile negative. Chiar daca el are glume proaste si neintelese de cei din jur, exact tu gasesti partea funny in orice gluma pe care el o spune. Nu, nu sunteti ciudati…sunteti speciali.
  -Nu isi fac zile negre.
Doi oameni care se iubesc mult nu isi fac zile negre reciproc. Adica chiar daca unul dintre ei greseste, nu e loc de repros ci de comunicare si solutionarea problemelor intr-un mod eficient. Insa putin ''praf'' picant nu strica niciodata, ai grija nu exagera pana la stranut.J
  -Isi ofera libertate.
Da libertatea, esentiala si facatoare de minuni. Cand partenerul iti ofera libertate iti ofera si incredere. Astfel chiar daca va petreceti timpul separat asta nu inseamna ca relatia nu e solida, ba mai mult, e o dovada de incredere si loialitate. Plus ca e sanatos sa iti petreci o parte din timp si cu prietenii sau singur.
Un aspect foarte important intr- o relatie. Vezi ca vrea un viitor cu tine si lupta pentru asta, exact cum faci si tu. Nu contoriza ce face el si ce faci tu, e important sa stii ca sufletele pereche tin scorul doar la partidele de tenis.

Pai, lucrurile marete fiind spuse, nu te ingrijora daca nu atingi toate punctele, tu o sa stii exact atunci cand o sa iti intalnesti sufletul pereche, o sa simti. Poate te apuci de football sau de gatit hummus, poate nu o sa mai petreci atat de mult timp la shopping si o sa inceapa sa iti placa mersul pe bicicleta. Cine stie ?...o sa stii la momentul respectiv. J

EN :
Today we were thinking that just because we organized all these private events and especially Weddings, where we meet such nice and united couples that seemed to be made for each other, why not talking about what means to be a Soulmate. And even if the bad talkers are saying that love is almost extinct, we do think that love will always BE, no matter  how much the world will change, no matter the situations and difficulties, no matter of technology  evolution and the growing price on gas. J
All you need to do is to give people time, so you can get time also (the most important measure these days).
So pour yourself some tea in that cup and read the following words to see how Soulmates are doing it and maybe after, you will answer yourself some questions. J

  -You are united, no matter what!
Everyday is a challenge for your relationship, but you never let the problems affect you in a bad way and you always rely on each other. You fight back to back for better days and when the problems seem not to be over soon, you are not running to your parents or friends to search for desperate help, you just put it together and take another step.
  -Laughing together.
You make your partner laugh every single day. Sense of humor  brings optimism and harmony to the relation and makes the negative emotions go away. Even if he has bad jokes that no one gets it, somehow you do. No…you are not freaks, you are special.
  -Don’t make each other ‘’black days’’.
Two people that really have love between them, never harm one another for purpose. And even when one of them makes a mistake, there is no time for blaming, is time for communication and efficiently solving the problem. But a little spicy activity  never killed nobody, just take care of quantity or else you will sneeze.   
Yep…miracle maker. When there is freedom there is also trust. So if you are spending time separately doesn’t mean that the relation si not strong, even more, here is the trick, a prove of trust and loyalty. Plus is very heathy to spent some of your time with friends or just with yourself.
A very important thing is that you see he is wishing a future next to you and he is fighting for that exactly the way you do. Don’t count what he is doing and what you are doing, Soulmates are counting just the Tennis games.

So, after the big words up were spoken, don’t worry if you don’t fill all of it, when you will find it you will know, you will feel it. Maybe you will start watching football, cooking hummus, maybe you will not like to go for shopping so much and start to like to ride the bike.  Who knows? will find out when the time is right.J

With love,
Ioana Parascan

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